How to Use the Eye Chart
- Print the free eye chart on regular 8 1/2 x 11-inch paper
- Tack or tape the chart to a windowless wall in a well-lit room at eye level
- Measure ten feet from the wall
- Cover one eye (if you wear glasses for distance vision, keep them on)
- Have another person point to each line as you read the letters out loud and keep track of which letters you get right
- Continue to the bottom row or until you can no longer read the letters
- Write down the number of the smallest line where you identified the majority of letters correctly (If you were able to read 5 out of 8 letters on line 8, you would write 20/25)
- Cover the other eye and repeat steps 5-7
The same steps go for the children’s eye chart. You just need the child to identify which direction the E if facing. Your son or daughter can point or say: up, left, right or down.
This chart is not intended to replace an eye exam with your eye doctor. Patients with 20/20 vision can still have an undiagnosed eye disease.